
Poulet cuit fumé “L’Étal du Volailler” à la ListeriaChicken cooked smoked “The Stall of Volailler” Listeria in

Chicken cooked smoked “The Stall of Volailler” Listeria in

Product recalled by : SVN (Norman Poultry Society) Brand : L'Étal du volailler Produit : Beech wood smoked cooked chicken…

7 years ago
Auchan : Rappel de saucisses et merguezAuchan : and merguez sausage recall

Auchan : and merguez sausage recall

LDC has recalled batches of sausage trays, merguez, saucisses aux herbes suite à l'absence

8 years ago
Rappel : Canette fermière Label RougeRecall : Bobbin farmer Red Label

Recall : Bobbin farmer Red Label

The company Les Poulières Léon Dupont has recalled a batch of "Canette fermière Label Rouge de Challans" suite

8 years ago
Ballotines de Volaille aux morceaux de verreBallotines of chicken in pieces of glass

Ballotines of chicken in pieces of glass

The TLC company proceeded the recall of Ballotines of chicken marketed under the brand at Auchan....

10 years ago
Rappel de confit de foie de volaille au PortoRecall of poultry in the Porto liver confit

Recall of poultry in the Porto liver confit

Confit of poultry in the Porto liver is remember by E.Leclec as may contain....

12 years ago
Gravement intoxiqués par les pesticides, ils portent plainteSeriously poisoned by pesticides, they carry complaint

Seriously poisoned by pesticides, they carry complaint

Laurent Guillou and ratty Stéphane, two former employees in the food industry, were poisoned by pesticides..

13 years ago
Poissons aux pesticides, viande aux antibiotiques, fruits et légumes toxiquesFish to pesticides, meat to antibiotics, toxic greengrocers

Fish to pesticides, meat to antibiotics, toxic greengrocers

"Pyralene waterlogged fish, pigs and poultry drugged to antibiotics, salmon treated with pesticides, des espèces

14 years ago