hormonal disorder

Perturbateurs endocriniens : les scientifiques dénoncent la position de l’EuropeEndocrine disrupters : scientists denounce the position of Europe

Endocrine disrupters : scientists denounce the position of Europe

Near 100 scientifiques réputés ont signé une tribune dénonçant la stratégie des industriels, qui orientent la politique de Bruxelles

8 years ago
Bisphénol A : vers une interdiction ?Bisphenol A : towards a ban ?

Bisphenol A : towards a ban ?

Tuesday 27 September, ANSES has published two reports on the need to limit....

13 years ago
Perturbateurs endocriniens : bientôt signalés sur les emballages ?Endocrine disrupters : soon reported on the packaging ?

Endocrine disrupters : soon reported on the packaging ?

A parliamentary report suggests to label products containing endocrine disrupters in order to protect....

14 years ago
Les régimes amaigrissants sont nocifs et dangereuxDiets are harmful and hazardous

Diets are harmful and hazardous

ANSES [...] draws up a report highlighting imbalances and problems related to the plans....

14 years ago


The main function of histamine is to destroy foreign substances. L'histamine est aussi libérée lors de réactions...

16 years ago


Phthalates are a group of chemical products (salts or esters) phthalic acid....

16 years ago