How to choose the 'fruit juice' among the proposed multitude ? What are the differences between....
"It is amazing that EFSA continues to push for the third time a positive carcinogenicity study..."
Not satisfied to be a very bold and very sweet food, le Nutella contient également le phtalate le plus dangereux qui…
Monday 27 December, 6 people have been arrested in China for adulterated wine....
Four Loko, the trademark Phusion Projects, is an energy drink marketed in the ...
Fast food and junk food are much synonymous, While eating you are actually ? Entering the heart of the matter....
The UFC-Que Choisir has just published a study on the impact of food advertising directed at children ...
250 millions of people consume daily aspartame in the world. The consumer does ...
Depuis leur mise sur le marché des études ont été faites sur l'impact qu'elles ont sur la santé d'une manière…
Chewing gum is also good for your health than we think ? What is its composition ?…
La pâte à tartiner Nutella fut cet été montrée du doigt par l’Union européenne en raison de sa composition déséquilibrée…
Acrylamide is the common name for 2-propenamide (Acrylic amide) chemical formula C3H5NO....