
Rappel : Tartines croustillantes au seigleRecall : crispy bread rye

Recall : crispy bread rye

Product recalled by : Jordans Company and Ryvita Brand : Carrefour Product : Tartine croustillante seigle complet EAN : 3 560 071 010…

7 years ago
Rappel : Bagel nature de la marque ChabriorRecall : Bagel nature of the brand Chabrior

Recall : Bagel nature of the brand Chabrior

The company Fresh Food Village initiated a recall of batches of "Bagel nature" suite à la découverte de la

7 years ago
Rappel de beurre au sésameReminder of the sesame butter

Reminder of the sesame butter

The company Rapunzel is the recall of all lots of "Simo Sesammus" following the possible presence....

10 years ago
Rappel de Gaufrettes au FromageRecall of cheese wafers

Recall of cheese wafers

The company of Kroes proceed the recall of wafers cheese following the discovery of the presence ...

12 years ago