
Fleur de sel et gros sel de Guérande IGP au plombsea ​​salt and coarse sea salt PGI lead

sea ​​salt and coarse sea salt PGI lead

Product recalled by : Adrien Bruand Produits : • Fleur de sel de Guérande IGP - bag of 250 g • Gros sel

7 years ago
Fleur de sel de Guérande IGP au plombSea salt Fleur PGI lead

Sea salt Fleur PGI lead

Après le rappel récent de fleur de sel de Guérande chez l'enseigne Lidl, c'est à présent chez l'enseigne Carrefour qu'un

7 years ago
Du plomb dans de la fleur de sel chez LidlLead in the sea salt at Lidl

Lead in the sea salt at Lidl

Product recalled by : Vines and Gastronomy Distributor : Lidl Product : Fleurs de sel de Guérande IGP Modèle : Glass jar…

7 years ago
Rappel : Champignons de ParisRecall : Mushrooms

Recall : Mushrooms

The Carrefour proceeded to return "Paris mushrooms sliced" following the discovery of the presence of ...

8 years ago
Sel : alerte dans nos assiettesSalt : alert on our plates

Salt : alert on our plates Avec du sel, on nous ferait avaler n'importe quoi. Notre consommation de sel est aujourd'hui bien supérieure aux besoins

8 years ago
Rappel de Pistaches GrilléesRoasted Pistachios Recall

Roasted Pistachios Recall

The Solinest SAS and Wonderful Brands have initiated a recall of batches of "Pistaches Grillées Poivre et Sel" suite

9 years ago
Rappel de Beurre MouléMolded Butter Recall

Molded Butter Recall

The Agral Company performed the batch recall of "Molded Soft Butter" and "Beurre Moulé Demi-Sel" follow-up to the…

9 years ago
Filet de Morue aux SulfitesFillet of cod with sulphites

Fillet of cod with sulphites

A higher than normal rate of sulphites has been detected in fishnets....

12 years ago
Consommer trop de viande rouge augmenterait le risque de diabète type 2Eat too much red meat increases the risk of diabetes type 2

Eat too much red meat increases the risk of diabetes type 2

[...] consume daily 100 grams of red meat (unprocessed) per day would increase 19% risk [...]

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What fruit juice to choose ?

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And after the NutriNet-health study, which is based on 140 000 Since dietary surveys 18 month, the french ...

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Diets are harmful and hazardous

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14 years ago