
Recall : Sausage Maker Black Mountain

The company Black Mountain Durfort Company initiated a recall of batches of "Saucisse sèche courbe au fromage de brebis

6 years ago

Salmonella : Sausages and contaminated Chipolatas

The Saviel company initiated a recall of Toulouse sausage batches higher -25 % de sel et chipolatas

7 years ago

Sausages contaminated with salmonella

Product recalled by : Company R. Deschildre Marque : R. Deschildre Produit : Saucisse type Toulouse et chair à saucisse N° lot :…

7 years ago

Dry sausage Salmonella ?

Product recalled by : Company Guasch Brand : Gouache Product : Fuet (dried sausage) Model : fuet 160 g sold by the piece…

7 years ago

Listeria : Montbéliard sausage contamination

La société Clavière a procédé au rappel de lots de saucisses de Montbéliard IGP cuite suite à la découverte de

7 years ago

Auchan : and merguez sausage recall

LDC has recalled batches of sausage trays, merguez, saucisses aux herbes suite à l'absence

7 years ago

Recall : Sausage Meat LIDL

The Stoeffler Company performed the batch recall of "top quality meat sausage" commercialisée dans les magasins LIDL...

8 years ago

Lyon sausage Listeria ?

The Leclerc teaches initiated a recall of batches "Lyon Fine Alsatian sausage" suite au risque de présence de

8 years ago

Recall : Dry sausage

Boutot the company initiated a recall of batches "Sausage Maker in the Perche-Go-Back" suite à la découverte de

9 years ago

WHO : Processed meat is highly carcinogenic

The information risk of shake a whole agri-food industry. Les viandes transformées...

9 years ago

Recall : Cervelat of Alsace

La societé Charcuterie Vallée de la Bruche a procédé au rappel de lots de Cervals d'Alsace de la marque "Auchan…

9 years ago

Dry Auvergne sausage recall

The AOC company proceeded the recall of dry Auvergne sausage sold at Auchan following ...

9 years ago

Recall of Chorizo & Sausage Grill

La société GOURMETS DE L'ARTOIS a procédé au rappel de Chorizo & Saucisses à Griller commercialisés en barquettes suite à

10 years ago

Recall of canned sausages lenses

The Auchan brand is recalling of canned sausages lenses due to an error ...

10 years ago