
Charcuterie Listeria

The company has the Guillaumière further call for all hams, sausages with garlic, Rillettes, pâtés...

6 years ago

massive recall : Canned terrines, pates and cooked dishes

La société GI-DOR-LAND a procédé au rappel de lots boites de conserves de terrines, pâtés et plats cuisinés...

7 years ago

glass pieces in tuna rillettes jars

The Chancerelle cannery further call for jars "White tuna Rillettes" de la marque Mmm! (Auchan) ...

7 years ago

Charcuterie Bordelaise Listeria

The company Sausages Bordeaux proceeded to return pure pork rillettes, rillettes d'oie, Duck Rillettes, pâté recette landaise...

8 years ago

Recall : White tuna Rillettes

The Wenceslas Chancerelle company proceeded to the recall of batches of "White tuna Rillettes" suite à la présence possible

9 years ago

Recall of Rillettes

Onno society proceeded to the recall of batches of "Rillettes of le Mans" following the discovery of the presence…

9 years ago

Recall : Rillettes with Chorizo

The Prestige of the Sarthe company proceeded to the recall of Rillettes de Chorizo lots sold at Carrefour ...

10 years ago

Recall : Rillettes of tuna to the pieces of glass

The Auchan brand conducts the recall of jars of tuna rillettes following the suspicion of presence of pieces ...

10 years ago

Pieces of glass in the Rillettes de sardines

Captain Cook society is recalling of verrines of rillettes of sardines to the ...

11 years ago

Rillettes of duck with pieces of glass

At this time, We definitely find broken glass everywhere ! After carbonated mineral water....

13 years ago