
Manger Sain : Info ou Intox ?Eat healthy : Info or Intox ?

Eat healthy : Info or Intox ?

How are the products of the food industry ? What do they actually contain? ? Comment éviter les produits qui

7 years ago
OGM : Mensonges et véritésGMOS : Lies and truths

GMOS : Lies and truths

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Le curcuma pour lutter contre les maladies – Tout Compte FaitTurmeric fight against disease – Altogether

Turmeric fight against disease – Altogether

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Enquête : Les superaliments pour rester jeuneInvestigation : Superfoods to stay young

Investigation : Superfoods to stay young

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Enquête : Aluminium, notre poison quotidienInvestigation : Aluminium, our daily poison

Investigation : Aluminium, our daily poison

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Boomerang : Le côté obscur de la barre chocolatéeBoomerang : The dark side of chocolate bar

Boomerang : The dark side of chocolate bar

"Boomerang - The dark side of chocolate bar" est un documentaire qui propose une plongée dans les coulisses de

8 years ago
Pizza industrielle : cherchez les ingrédientsindustrial Pizza : looking for the ingredients

industrial Pizza : looking for the ingredients

What are the techniques used by manufacturers to earn a few euro cents? ? Sur quoi les industriels rognent-ils pour afficher des

8 years ago
Colorants, édulcorants, conservateurs, que cachent-ils ?Dyes, sweeteners, Conservatives, that they hiding?

Dyes, sweeteners, Conservatives, that they hiding?

additives, whose 300 are commonly present in our diet, have appeared in years 60 avec le

8 years ago
FOCUS – Eaux minérales, eaux en bouteille : savez-vous ce que vous buvez ?FOCUS - Mineral water, bottled water : do you know what you drink ?

FOCUS - Mineral water, bottled water : do you know what you drink ?

In ten years, la consommation d'eau en bouteille a fortement augmenté en France. Un incroyable engouement qui fait la fortune

8 years ago
CASH INVESTIGATION – Industrie agroalimentaire : business contre santéCASH INVESTIGATION – Industrie agroalimentaire : business against health

CASH INVESTIGATION – Industrie agroalimentaire : business against health

Elise Lucet et l’équipe de "Cash Investigation" revealed in this new survey unmentionable recipes giant agribusiness. Why…

9 years ago
Produits chimiques : nos enfants en dangerChemical products : our children at risk

Chemical products : our children at risk "Chemical products : our children at risk" Dissemination : France 2 Tuesday 2 February 2016, 20H55 (135 minutes) Elles s’appellent

9 years ago
Sucre, le doux mensongeSugar, sweet lies

Sugar, sweet lies

"Sugar, sweet lies" Dissemination : Arte Tuesday 13 October 2015, 20H55 (85 minutes) How, over the years 1970, l'industrie agroalimentaire a

9 years ago