
Recall : Spreadable Chicken curry

The company Simon Dutriaux been recalled batches of "Spreadable Chicken curry" suite à la découverte de

6 years ago

Auchan : Recall of chicken samosas

Sodebo has recalled lots of "Chicken samosas" following the discovery of the presence of…

6 years ago

Listeria : Roasted chicken strips contaminated

La société Ronsard a procédé au rappel de lots d' "Bagged roasted chicken breasts" Suite to discover…

6 years ago

Chicken Nuggets with plastic pieces

La société LDC a procédé au rappel de lots de nuggets de poulet des marques Carrefour et Grand Jury suite

7 years ago

Recall : Wrap chicken-basil Monoprix

Monoprix has recalled lots of "The Chicken Basil Wrap" suite à la découverte de la présence d'allergènes

7 years ago

Chicken cooked smoked “The Stall of Volailler” Listeria in

Product recalled by : SVN (Norman Poultry Society) Brand : L'Étal du volailler Produit : Beech wood smoked cooked chicken…

7 years ago

Salads with Salmonella ?

La société Sodebo a procédé au rappel de lots de salades suite à la suspicion de la présence de salmonelles...

7 years ago

Bacon nature Halal Chicken Salmonella

La société Isla Delice a procédé au rappel d'un lot de "Lardons de Poulet Nature - Halal" follow-up to the…

8 years ago

Recall : SLIM Soup

Sign Auchan has initiated a recall of lots of "Slim Soup" suite à la découverte de la présence d'un allergène

8 years ago

Recall : Convenience Food Chicken

The Agis company has recalled batches of prepared meals "Poulet à la Crème et son Riz Cuisiné

8 years ago

Campylobacter : Grignottes contaminated Chicken

The company Keranna Productions initiated a recall of batches "Grignottes Chicken" following the discovery of the ...

8 years ago

Recall : Matches of Chicken

Isla World company initiated a recall of batches of trays of "Matches Chicken Flavor Smoked" follow-up to…

8 years ago

metal particles Chicken Steaks

The company S.C.O Ranou has recalled batches of chicken minced steaks from the brand "Monique Rana"…

8 years ago

Quick : Chicken head found in Chicken Wings

"Je me suis rendu compte que ce que je tenais n'étais pas un os, A student from Montpellier found a fried chicken head in his !"

9 years ago