
Rappel de Pistaches GrilléesRoasted Pistachios Recall

Roasted Pistachios Recall

The Solinest SAS and Wonderful Brands have initiated a recall of batches of "Pistaches Grillées Poivre et Sel" suite

9 years ago
Rappel de Terrine au Poivre VertReminder of the green pepper Terrine

Reminder of the green pepper Terrine

The Auchan sign carries the recall of batches of Terrine in green pepper after the discovery of the presence of…

10 years ago
Moulins de poivre défectueuxDefective pepper Mills

Defective pepper Mills

The Weiand GmbH company is recalling of the Kania brand pepper mills at....

11 years ago
Sardines contaminées à l’histamineSardines contaminated with histamine

Sardines contaminated with histamine

The Casino Group is recalling of "Sardines canned" of 120 grams marketed under the brand....

13 years ago
Attention : Rappel de poivre aux salmonelles et d’épinards au gazole !Attention : Pepper in salmonella and spinach with diesel fuel reminder !

Attention : Pepper in salmonella and spinach with diesel fuel reminder !

[Update] After the recall of toxic peppers, nems and mashed, cela faisait déjà quasiment un mois

14 years ago
Bon et mauvais poivreGood and bad pepper

Good and bad pepper

Buy only pepper in grains ! The pepper may contain a ...

14 years ago