
Le plastique, pas si fantastique !Plastic, not so fantastic!

Plastic, not so fantastic!

Plastic pollutes the environment, we all know it. Il faut aussi rappeler que les objets en plastique présentent également des

1 year ago
Quelle planche à découper choisir ?What cutting board to choose ?

What cutting board to choose ?

Should we choose a wooden plank or a plastic ? Would wooden plank be, as so-called, less hygienic…

6 years ago
Raviolis aux morceaux de plastiqueRavioli with pieces of plastic

Ravioli with pieces of plastic

La société Lustucru Frais a procédé au rappel de lots de Raviolis 4 Fromages suite à la possible présence de

9 years ago
Fragments de plastique dans des crêpes industriellesFragments of plastic in industrial pancakes

Fragments of plastic in industrial pancakes

Pancakes with mushrooms may contain foreign bodies (Blue hard plastic fragments)...

11 years ago
Rappel : Muesli Crousty PremiumRecall : Muesli Crousty Premium

Recall : Muesli Crousty Premium

Crunchy red fruit and almond muesli could contain fragments ...

12 years ago
Bisphénol A : Dangers pour les filles in uteroBisphenol A : Dangers for girls in utero

Bisphenol A : Dangers for girls in utero

A new study shows the hazards of Bisphenol A (BPA) for health but this time....

13 years ago
Bisphénol A : vers une interdiction ?Bisphenol A : towards a ban ?

Bisphenol A : towards a ban ?

Tuesday 27 September, ANSES has published two reports on the need to limit....

13 years ago


Phthalates are a group of chemical products (salts or esters) phthalic acid....

16 years ago