
Perturbateurs endocriniens : bientôt signalés sur les emballages ?Endocrine disrupters : soon reported on the packaging ?

Endocrine disrupters : soon reported on the packaging ?

A parliamentary report suggests to label products containing endocrine disrupters in order to protect....

14 years ago
Du Nutella aux OGM ?GMOs in Nutella ?

GMOs in Nutella ?

According to the European regulation foods that contain more than 0.9% of GMOs must....

14 years ago
L’eau en bouteille est-elle dangereuse ?Is bottled water dangerous ?

Is bottled water dangerous ?

Tap water is 1000 times more environmentally friendly than mineral water. Furthermore, boire de l'eau en bouteille coûte entre

14 years ago
Le Nutella contient le phtalate le plus dangereux : DEHPNutella contains the most dangerous phthalate : DEHP

Nutella contains the most dangerous phthalate : DEHP

Not satisfied to be a very bold and very sweet food, le Nutella contient également le phtalate le plus dangereux qui

14 years ago
Polluants chimiques : une étude sur 20 000 enfantsChemical pollutants : a study on 20 000 children

Chemical pollutants : a study on 20 000 children

In March, a major scientific survey called "Elf" will be. It will focus on ...

14 years ago


Phthalates are a group of chemical products (salts or esters) phthalic acid....

16 years ago