
Manger peut-il nuire à la santé ?Can eating affect health?

Can eating affect health?

This report analyzes four foods most consumed by the French : Apples, bread, le porc et

14 years ago
Carafes filtrantes : un danger pour la santé ?Filter jugs : a health hazard ?

Filter jugs : a health hazard ?

"analysis of water filtered by these decanters [...] gives worse results than water from the tap before filtration" ... "There,…

14 years ago
Notre eau est polluée et toxiqueOur water is polluted and toxic

Our water is polluted and toxic

How is it that the quality of water in nature (but also that we consume) se soit autant

14 years ago
Polluants chimiques : une étude sur 20 000 enfantsChemical pollutants : a study on 20 000 children

Chemical pollutants : a study on 20 000 children

In March, a major scientific survey called "Elf" will be. It will focus on ...

14 years ago
Le « Bio » et ses limitesThe 'Bio' and its limits

The 'Bio' and its limits

Organic farming is an agricultural production system that respects the environment in a....

14 years ago
Substances chimiques : le plat quotidien de nos enfants !Chemical substances : the flat daily of our children !

Chemical substances : the flat daily of our children !

A child is [...] presentation [...] to 81 different chemicals ! 47 These substances are suspected to be ...

14 years ago
Poissons aux pesticides, viande aux antibiotiques, fruits et légumes toxiquesFish to pesticides, meat to antibiotics, toxic greengrocers

Fish to pesticides, meat to antibiotics, toxic greengrocers

"Pyralene waterlogged fish, pigs and poultry drugged to antibiotics, salmon treated with pesticides, des espèces

14 years ago


A plant protection product is a substance emitted in a culture to combat harmful organisms ...

16 years ago