
Celery branch includes excessive pesticide residues

GPLM / GOSSELIN SAS recalled lots of "Celery branch" suite à la découverte de la

6 years ago

Too many pesticides in “pineapple Cayenne”

Product recalled by : The DGCCRF (Directorate-General for competition, Consumption and the Repression of fraud) Brand :…

7 years ago

Health Survey : The new poisons our daily

Thousands of chemical substances have invaded our daily lives. Used for decades to protect crops, améliorer...

7 years ago

Reportage : Under the influence of Coca – The underside of globalization

In Mexico, Coca-Cola has acquired considerable power. In the south of the country, in Chiapas, l´un des états les plus

8 years ago

Reportage : Healers land

Soixante-dix ans d'agriculture industrielle intensive ont épuisé les sols français. Les rendements baissent et les bonnes terres réduisent...

8 years ago

Documentary : Pesticides, soybean curse

Piglets born with two heads, des enfants qui viennent au monde avec de graves malformations et des mauvaises

8 years ago

Seriously poisoned by pesticides, they carry complaint

Laurent Guillou and ratty Stéphane, two former employees in the food industry, were poisoned by pesticides..

13 years ago

EFSA would like to stop tests on chemicals

The European food safety authority (EFSA) would like to replace the current system of testing....

14 years ago

Endocrine disrupters : soon reported on the packaging ?

A parliamentary report suggests to label products containing endocrine disrupters in order to protect....

14 years ago

Pesticides reduce the IQ of children

Three studies establish a link between the exposure of pregnant women to pesticides and the reduction of the QI of their children....

14 years ago

Industrialization of organic

This is the era of organic farming intensive and industrial with monocultures, the monoelevages....

14 years ago

The world according to Monsanto

Never a firm was as much controversial, It threatens food security but also the balance....

14 years ago

Chemical pollutants : the results of the InVS

The InVS (Institute of sleep health) has published the results of a study on the concentrations of pollutants....

14 years ago

Our daily poison

Journalist and filmmaker, Marie-Monique Robin did again a very large survey....

14 years ago