Product recalled by : Company Jardin Bio Marque : Organic Garden Product : Tortillas sans gluten (chili and nature) Health stamp : FR.22.136.007 EC…
Product recalled by : Mix Buffet Marque : Carrefour bon app' Produit : Carottes Râpées à l'huile d'olive vierge extra EAN : 3…
Product recalled by : Ocean Countertops Product Name : Ocean Countertops Product Name : Chiffonnade de jambon cru italien EAN : 3 596 710…
The Monoprix brand has recalled lots of "Greek yoghurt with honey and granola" follow-up to the…
The company Fresh Food Village initiated a recall of batches of "Bagel nature" suite à la découverte de la…
Ensign Action initiated a recall of batches of cakes "Chocolate Sensation" following the discovery of the presence…
GGF Company performed the batch recall of "Preparations for gluten-free pastries" de la marque Auchan suite…
Agis has recalled batches of "Veal roulade and Festonati" commercialisés chez Carrefour ...
The Scamark company proceeded to the recall of batches of "Club Rosette and Wholemeal Sandwiches" suite...
The company LTA has recalled batches of "Club Sandwiches Rosetta Pickles" suite à la découverte de la…
The Gendreau Company performed the recall of prepared meals batches "Chili Con Carne and Rice" the trademark…
Sign Auchan has initiated a recall of lots of "Slim Soup" suite à la découverte de la présence d'un allergène…
The Broceliande Loudéac establishment conducted the recall of batches of "Smooth Pure Duck Mousse" suite à la présence possible...
The Agis company has recalled batches of prepared meals "Poulet à la Crème et son Riz Cuisiné…