
Fast-foodFast food

Fast food

Fast food and junk food are much synonymous, While eating you are actually ? Entering the heart of the matter....

14 years ago
L’industrie agro-alimentaire liée à l’obésité infantileThe food industry linked to childhood obesity

The food industry linked to childhood obesity

The UFC-Que Choisir has just published a study on the impact of food advertising directed at children ...

14 years ago
Produits Light et Aspartame = Danger !Products Light and Aspartame = Danger !

Products Light and Aspartame = Danger !

250 millions of people consume daily aspartame in the world. The consumer does ...

14 years ago
Les régimes amaigrissants sont nocifs et dangereuxDiets are harmful and hazardous

Diets are harmful and hazardous

ANSES [...] draws up a report highlighting imbalances and problems related to the plans....

14 years ago
NUTELLA : Sa composition est un danger pour la santéNUTELLA : Its composition is a health hazard

NUTELLA : Its composition is a health hazard

La pâte à tartiner Nutella fut cet été montrée du doigt par l’Union européenne en raison de sa composition déséquilibrée

14 years ago