
Des concombres contaminés par l’E. ColiE. coli-contaminated cucumbers. Coli

E. coli-contaminated cucumbers. Coli

Enterohemorrhagic e. coli bacteria-contaminated cucumbers (EHEC) infected more than 276 people...

14 years ago
Décédée après avoir mangé dans un kebab ?Died after eating in a kebab ?

Died after eating in a kebab ?

The kebab was closed following checks by the DGCCRF which revealed "inadequate hygiene standards....

14 years ago
Mort après avoir mangé chez Quick ?Death after eating in Quick ?

Death after eating in Quick ?

[Update] It is now official the Quick meal was the cause of the death of the teenager..

14 years ago
Lait contaminé à la mélamineMilk contaminated with melamine

Milk contaminated with melamine

Formula which contained a highly toxic chemical was found : melamine. Le taux était 500

14 years ago