pieces of plastic

Nuggets de poulet aux morceaux de plastiqueChicken Nuggets with plastic pieces

Chicken Nuggets with plastic pieces

La société LDC a procédé au rappel de lots de nuggets de poulet des marques Carrefour et Grand Jury suite

7 years ago
“La Grande Box” de Lustucru aux morceaux de plastique“The Big Box” Lustucru the plastic pieces

“The Big Box” Lustucru the plastic pieces

Product recalled by : Lustucru Fresh Brand : Lustucru Product : La Grande Box N ° lots, DLC and EAN :   Motif du

7 years ago
Box Lustucru aux morceaux de plastique ?Box Lustucru the plastic pieces ?

Box Lustucru the plastic pieces ?

The company Lustucru Frais has recalled batches of "Box Torti Carbonara" suite à la découverte de la

8 years ago
Riz aux particules de plastique durRice with hard plastic particles

Rice with hard plastic particles

The company Antartic 2 proceeded to brand recall of rice lots "Saint Eloi" and "The Junk",…

8 years ago
Raviolis aux morceaux de plastiqueRavioli with pieces of plastic

Ravioli with pieces of plastic

La société Lustucru Frais a procédé au rappel de lots de Raviolis 4 Fromages suite à la possible présence de

9 years ago
Taboulé aux morceaux de plastiqueTabbouleh with plastic pieces

Tabbouleh with plastic pieces

La société Jean Stalaven a procédé au rappel de lots de Taboulé au poulet suite à la découverte de morceaux

9 years ago
Rappel de Mars et de SnickersRecall of Mars and Snickers

Recall of Mars and Snickers

Gigantic reminder in 55 pays de barres chocolatées suite à la découverte d'un morceau de plastique par...

9 years ago
Poissons panés aux morceaux de plastiqueFish breaded pieces of plastic

Fish breaded pieces of plastic

The Scamark company proceeded to the recall of batches of "Breaded fish cakes" commercialisés au rayon libre service Leclerc...

9 years ago
Rappel : Haricots VertsRecall : Green beans

Recall : Green beans

The Bergerac company proceeded to very fine lots of cut green beans recall following the discovery....

10 years ago
Rappel de Sabli’ChocSabli reminder ' shock

Sabli reminder ' shock

The net Blue company proceeded the recall of biscuits filled due to the possible presence of pieces....

10 years ago
Morceaux de plastique dans des conserves d’épinardsPieces of plastic in the canned spinach

Pieces of plastic in the canned spinach

Reminder of cans of spinach following the discovery of pieces....

10 years ago