pieces of metal

Minis pâtés de lapin aux morceaux de métalMinis blocks rabbit with metal pieces

Minis blocks rabbit with metal pieces

The Brient Company performed the batch recall of "Mini rabbit pate with hazelnuts Brient" follow-up to the…

6 years ago
McCain : “La Noisette” aux morceaux de métal ?McCain : “Hazelnut” the metal pieces ?

McCain : “Hazelnut” the metal pieces ?

McCain Company initiated a recall of batches of 1kg of "Hazelnut" Suite to discover…

6 years ago
Gerblé : Pain aux graines aux fragments métalliquesGerblé : Whole-grain metal fragments

Gerblé : Whole-grain metal fragments

The company Nutrition & Santé has initiated a recall of batches of "Seed bread - Gluten free stacked" suite

6 years ago
Galettes de Bretagne aux morceaux de métal ?Cakes Britain with metal pieces ?

Cakes Britain with metal pieces ?

The company La Biscuiterie Traou Mad has recalled lots of "Fine pancakes from Brittany" follow-up to the…

7 years ago
Gâche tranchée aux morceaux métalliquesStriker trench metal pieces

Striker trench metal pieces

The company the golden Fournée been recalled batches of "Striker trench" suite à la découverte de la

7 years ago
Rappel d’AndouilletteRappel d’Andouillette

Rappel d’Andouillette

La société Le Père Champain a procédé au rappel de lots d'Andouillette au Piment d'Espelette suite à la découverte de

9 years ago
Boudin aux morceaux de métalPudding at pieces of metal

Pudding at pieces of metal

The lordship company proceeded to the recall of a batch of pudding Galabart following the discovery of a body....

10 years ago
Ratatouille Provençale aux morceaux de métalRatatouille Provençale to pieces of metal

Ratatouille Provençale to pieces of metal

Provencal ratatouille jars were the subject of a recall following the discovery ...

11 years ago
Mitonné Blédina aux morceaux de métalConcocted Blédina to pieces of metal

Concocted Blédina to pieces of metal

Blédina conducts the recall of certain lots of simmered carrots, Macaroni and beef ...

12 years ago