The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les…
In light of Monsanto's symbolic trial held in 2016, Marie-Monique Robin expose l’ampleur du scandale sanitaire lié au…
Crop yields have increased, but the effects are short, moyen et long terme de ces OGM n'ont toujours…
Are seeds a commodity or a common good of humanity in the same way as water or air? ? ...
Piglets born with two heads, des enfants qui viennent au monde avec de graves malformations et des mauvaises…
Monsanto vient en outre d'essuyer un revers judiciaire retentissant en France: il a été reconnu responsable de l'intoxication ...
This is the era of organic farming intensive and industrial with monocultures, the monoelevages....
Never a firm was as much controversial, It threatens food security but also the balance....
"It is amazing that EFSA continues to push for the third time a positive carcinogenicity study..."
Journalist and filmmaker, Marie-Monique Robin did again a very large survey....
Food, Inc.. is an American documentary, directed by Robert Kenner, which is designed to reveal to the big day ...
250 millions of people consume daily aspartame in the world. The consumer does ...