junk food

Documentaire : Ce que cache l’alimentation pas chèreDocumentary : What lies behind the cheap food

Documentary : What lies behind the cheap food

From France to Romania via Germany and Belgium, enquête sur les dessous de l'alimentation low

6 years ago
Grandes surfaces et promotions bidon !Large areas and can promotions !

Large areas and can promotions !

Our reporters have investigated promotions in supermarkets : beaucoup d'annonces sont trompeuses. Other subject : les entreprises

6 years ago
La bataille de nos assiettesThe battle of our plates

The battle of our plates

Junk food fast food, a distressing reality ! With 300 million people affected worldwide, l'obésité est la

6 years ago
Documentaire : Régimes, une vérité qui dérangeDocumentary : regimes, An Inconvenient Truth

Documentary : regimes, An Inconvenient Truth

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Reportage : Sucre, le doux mensongeReportage : Sugar, sweet lies

Reportage : Sugar, sweet lies

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Enquête : Malbouffe sans frontièresInvestigation : Junk food without borders

Investigation : Junk food without borders

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Quick : Une tête de poulet retrouvée dans des Chicken WingsQuick : Chicken head found in Chicken Wings

Quick : Chicken head found in Chicken Wings

"Je me suis rendu compte que ce que je tenais n'étais pas un os, A student from Montpellier found a fried chicken head in his !"

9 years ago
Ronald McDonald sur la sellette ?Ronald McDonald on the harness ?

Ronald McDonald on the harness ?

550 physicians and professionals of health in the United States published an open letter against the Mc Donald's...

14 years ago
Nouvelle intoxication chez QuickNew poisoning in Quick

New poisoning in Quick

A 9 years old girl was hospitalized for several hours Saturday 19 March after eating....

14 years ago
Décédée après avoir mangé dans un kebab ?Died after eating in a kebab ?

Died after eating in a kebab ?

The kebab was closed following checks by the DGCCRF which revealed "inadequate hygiene standards....

14 years ago
Mort après avoir mangé chez Quick ?Death after eating in Quick ?

Death after eating in Quick ?

[Update] It is now official the Quick meal was the cause of the death of the teenager..

14 years ago
Food, Inc.Food, Inc..

Food, Inc..

Food, Inc.. is an American documentary, directed by Robert Kenner, which is designed to reveal to the big day ...

14 years ago
Fast-foodFast food

Fast food

Fast food and junk food are much synonymous, While eating you are actually ? Entering the heart of the matter....

14 years ago
NUTELLA : Sa composition est un danger pour la santéNUTELLA : Its composition is a health hazard

NUTELLA : Its composition is a health hazard

La pâte à tartiner Nutella fut cet été montrée du doigt par l’Union européenne en raison de sa composition déséquilibrée

14 years ago