
Le danger du cholestérol : mythe ou réalité ?The danger of cholesterol : myth or reality ?

The danger of cholesterol : myth or reality ?

The danger of cholesterol : myth or reality ? Tuesday 6 October 2015, 20H40 (120 minutes) Myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accidents,…

9 years ago
Des pâtes, des pâtes, oui mais à quel prix ?Pasta, pasta, Yes, but at what price ?

Pasta, pasta, Yes, but at what price ?

The pasta is a commodity as well as a dish in gastronomy. Prized for tight budgets, des consommateurs pressés

10 years ago
Rappel de boites “Pause Snack”Recall of boxes “Break Snack”

Recall of boxes “Break Snack”

The Auchan brand is recalling of boxes "Break Snack" due to the possible presence of milk and....

10 years ago
Rappel de pointes d’asperges vertesRecall of green asparagus

Recall of green asparagus

The IDS company proceed to the recall of green asparagus of the mark CZON....

12 years ago
Rappel de sachets de légumesRecall of bags of vegetables

Recall of bags of vegetables

Krill Essentials brand is recalling of "country fried vegetables" pouches with a....

13 years ago
Rappel de champignons en boîte chez LIDLRecall of mushrooms canned at LIDL

Recall of mushrooms canned at LIDL

The LIDL company proceeded the recall of canned mushrooms marketed....

13 years ago
E.Coli : des graines germées sont à l’origine de l’épidémieE. coli : germinated seeds are the source of the epidemic

E. coli : germinated seeds are the source of the epidemic

It is now official, These are neither cucumbers, ni les tomates et ni les salades qui sont les vecteurs

14 years ago
Rappel de haricots verts “bio” CasinoRecall of green beans “bio” Casino

Recall of green beans “bio” Casino

The company EMC Distribution has initiated a recall of extra fine green beans "bio", brand Casino Bio....

14 years ago
Concombres : la France n’est-elle plus épargnée ?Cucumbers : the France is more spared ?

Cucumbers : the France is more spared ?

...the repression of fraud (DGCCRF) has ordered the withdrawal of the batch of 600kg of cucumbers arrived in France....

14 years ago
Des concombres contaminés par l’E. ColiE. coli-contaminated cucumbers. Coli

E. coli-contaminated cucumbers. Coli

Enterohemorrhagic e. coli bacteria-contaminated cucumbers (EHEC) infected more than 276 people...

14 years ago
Nutrition : un nouveau classement des alimentsNutrition : a new ranking of foods

Nutrition : a new ranking of foods

INRA researchers have developed a method to classify all foods based on their nutritional quality..

14 years ago
L’industrialisation du bioIndustrialization of organic

Industrialization of organic

This is the era of organic farming intensive and industrial with monocultures, the monoelevages....

14 years ago
We feed the world – Le marché de la faimWe feed the world - hungry market

We feed the world - hungry market

Literally translated as "we feed the world"., This Austrian documentary reveals....

14 years ago
Manger peut-il nuire à la santé ?Can eating affect health?

Can eating affect health?

This report analyzes four foods most consumed by the French : Apples, bread, le porc et

14 years ago