food poisoning

Rappel de Farine de Blé NoirBlack Wheat Flour Recall

Black Wheat Flour Recall

La société Axiane Meunerie a procédé au rappel de lots de farine de blé noir suite à la détection de

9 years ago
La consommation de Saumon OGM autorisée aux États-UnisGMO salmon consumption authorized in the US

GMO salmon consumption authorized in the US

This is the first transgenic animal allowed globally for human consumption ...

9 years ago
Rappel : Monts d’OrRecall : Monts d'Or

Recall : Monts d'Or

The cooperative of the Monts de Joux proceeded to the recall of batches of Monts d'Or of the mark

9 years ago
Rappel de RillettesRecall of Rillettes

Recall of Rillettes

Onno society proceeded to the recall of batches of "Rillettes of le Mans" following the discovery of the presence…

9 years ago
Rappel : Reblochon FermierRecall : Reblochon Fermier

Recall : Reblochon Fermier

La société Scaprvt a procédé au rappel de lots de reblochon fermier suite à la découverte de la présence de

9 years ago
Présence d’Histamine dans du ThonPresence of Histamine in tuna

Presence of Histamine in tuna

The company "Group Barba" has initiated a recall of "Preparing flavored thawed Tuna Loin" suite à la suspicion de la

9 years ago
Rappel de fromages PicodonRecall of cheese Picodon

Recall of cheese Picodon

La société LHT a procédé au rappel de lots de fromages de chèvre Picodon suite à la possible contamination à

9 years ago
Rappel de GnocchisRecall of gnocchi

Recall of gnocchi

La société Grandi Pastai a procédé au rappel d'un lot de Gnocchis commercialisés chez Carrefour suite à la découverte ...

9 years ago
Rappel : Américain PréparéRecall : American prepared

Recall : American prepared

The SIMON DUTRIAU company proceeded to the recall of batches of trays of"American prepared" follow-up to the ...

10 years ago
Rappel de Fromage AOP NeufchâtelPDO Neufchâtel cheese recall

PDO Neufchâtel cheese recall

The cheese dairy of the Pays de Bray conducted the recall of batches of cheese "NEUFCHATEL" the trademark "Cœur de

10 years ago
Rappel de Croques BolognaiseReminder of Croques Bolognese

Reminder of Croques Bolognese

The Soprat company proceeded to the recall of batches of "2 Croques Bolognese" following the discovery of the presence…

10 years ago
Rappel de Terrine au Poivre VertReminder of the green pepper Terrine

Reminder of the green pepper Terrine

The Auchan sign carries the recall of batches of Terrine in green pepper after the discovery of the presence of…

10 years ago
Reblochon de Savoie aux SalmonellesReblochon of Savoie in salmonella

Reblochon of Savoie in salmonella

La fromagerie Masson a procédé au rappel de Reblochons de Savoie suite à la suspicion de contamination de...

10 years ago
Rappel de Myrtilles SauvagesRecall of wild blueberries

Recall of wild blueberries

Sign Auchan has initiated a recall of lots of wild blueberries following the discovery of the presence of ...

10 years ago