food poisoning

Quelle planche à découper choisir ?What cutting board to choose ?

What cutting board to choose ?

Should we choose a wooden plank or a plastic ? Would wooden plank be, as so-called, less hygienic…

6 years ago
Rappel : St-Félicien et St-Marcellin à l’E.ColiRecall : St-Felicien and St. Marcellin to E.Coli

Recall : St-Felicien and St. Marcellin to E.Coli

Spinach Recall Frozen "Saint-Félicien and Saint Marcellin" suite à la découverte de

6 years ago
Oeufs aux salmonellesEggs with salmonella

Eggs with salmonella

EARL Les Poulettes has recalled batches of "Shell eggs" following the discovery of the presence…

6 years ago
Intermarché : Bacon fumé à la coupe à la ListeriaIntermarché : Smoked bacon on cutting Listeria

Intermarché : Smoked bacon on cutting Listeria

Product recalled by : Intermarché Product : Smoked bacon fillet Marketing : between the 22 and the 27 February 2018 to the…

7 years ago
Risque d’intoxication alimentaire : Multi Fruit SolevitaRisk of food poisoning : Multi Fruit Solevita

Risk of food poisoning : Multi Fruit Solevita

Product recalled by : Lidl SNC Brand : Solevia Product : ACE fruit juice Model : plastic bottle 750 ml Commercialisation :…

7 years ago
Oeufs frelatés vendus en France, officiellement “pas de risque”Adulterated eggs sold in France, officially “no risk”

Adulterated eggs sold in France, officially “no risk”

Fipronil is commonly used against lice and ticks on pets, mais interdit dans...

8 years ago
Norovirus : Framboises surgelées contaminéesNorovirus : frozen raspberries contaminated

Norovirus : frozen raspberries contaminated

Les enseignes Thiriet et Leader Price ont procédé au rappel de lots de framboises entières surgelées suite à la découverte

8 years ago
Bacillus Cereus : Champignons noirs contaminésBacillus Cereus : Contaminated black mushrooms

Bacillus Cereus : Contaminated black mushrooms

La société Camargue Production a procédé au rappel de lots de Champignons noirs déshydratés suite à la découverte de la

8 years ago
Cèpes contaminéscontaminated ceps

contaminated ceps

The company MCD Chamsyl been recalled batches of "Dried porcini France" suite à la mise en

8 years ago
Blinis à la ListeriaBlinis with Listeria

Blinis with Listeria

Aspasia The company initiated a recall of batches "mini blinis" the trademark "At Auchan" follow-up to the…

8 years ago
Saucisson Longaniza aux SalmonellesSausage Longaniza to Salmonella

Sausage Longaniza to Salmonella

La société Argal a procédé au rappel de lots de saucisson Longaniza suite à la découverte de la présence de

8 years ago
Rappel de Petits Pains Précuits aux GrainesRecall Bun with Seeds Precooked

Recall Bun with Seeds Precooked

The Sinnack Gmbh company initiated a recall of batches "Bun with Seeds Precooked" suite à la détection

8 years ago
Steaks Hachés Surgelés à l’E.ColiFrozen Chopped steak with E.Coli

Frozen Chopped steak with E.Coli

La société Elivia a procédé au rappel de lots de Steaks Hachés suite à la découverte de la présence de

8 years ago
Blinis Cocktail à la ListeriaBlinis Cocktail Listeria

Blinis Cocktail Listeria

The Scamark company proceeded to the recall of batches of "blinis Cocktail" following the discovery of the presence of…

9 years ago