
Listeria : Some contaminated PDO cheese Neufchatel

Les sociétés Fromages et Terroirs et Les Cateliers ont procédé au rappel de lots de fromages "Neufchâtel AOP"...

8 years ago

Black olives Buttercup of glass fragments

La société Comolive a procédé au rappel de lots de bocaux d'olives noires confîtes et dénoyautées suite à...

8 years ago

Sausage with Salmonella

The company Les Salaisons Boutot has recalled a batch of "Sausage Cabécou" suite à la découverte de

8 years ago

White Onions of glass fragments

The Reitzel Briand Company performed the batch recalls jars of "Small white onions" Suite to discover…

8 years ago

Rice with hard plastic particles

The company Antartic 2 proceeded to brand recall of rice lots "Saint Eloi" and "The Junk",…

8 years ago

Labelling default on the Meat Pasties

La société Monique Ranou a procédé au rappel de lots de Friands à la Viande car la liste des ingrédients

8 years ago

metal particles Chicken Steaks

The company S.C.O Ranou has recalled batches of chicken minced steaks from the brand "Monique Rana"…

8 years ago

Pork tongue in jelly Listeria

ONNO the company initiated a recall of batches "Pork tongue in jelly" commercialisés dans les Intermarché ...

8 years ago

Pâté old Listeria

Tradition Society and South West Terroir initiated a recall of batches "Pâté à l'Ancienne au piment...

8 years ago