chemical industries

Bisphénol A : vers une interdiction ?Bisphenol A : towards a ban ?

Bisphenol A : towards a ban ?

Tuesday 27 September, ANSES has published two reports on the need to limit....

13 years ago
Le monde selon MonsantoThe world according to Monsanto

The world according to Monsanto

Never a firm was as much controversial, It threatens food security but also the balance....

14 years ago
Aspartame : l’EFSA et l’ANSES réfutent deux études alarmantesAspartame : EFSA and ANSES refute two alarming studies

Aspartame : EFSA and ANSES refute two alarming studies

"It is amazing that EFSA continues to push for the third time a positive carcinogenicity study..."

14 years ago
L’eau en bouteille est-elle dangereuse ?Is bottled water dangerous ?

Is bottled water dangerous ?

Tap water is 1000 times more environmentally friendly than mineral water. Furthermore, boire de l'eau en bouteille coûte entre

14 years ago
Notre poison quotidienOur daily poison

Our daily poison

Journalist and filmmaker, Marie-Monique Robin did again a very large survey....

14 years ago