
OMS : La viande transformée est hautement cancérigèneWHO : Processed meat is highly carcinogenic

WHO : Processed meat is highly carcinogenic

The information risk of shake a whole agri-food industry. Les viandes transformées...

9 years ago
Rappel de Cheese BurgersRecall of Cheese Burgers

Recall of Cheese Burgers

Company Charcupac Provinces makes the recall of batches of 2 Cheese Burgers beef due to a labelling error...

10 years ago
Rappel de cheeseburgers et de pain de mieReminder of cheeseburgers and bread

Reminder of cheeseburgers and bread

...cheesebugers frozen Escherichia coli at Auchan and bread crumb to breakage of glass in stores U....

14 years ago
Nouvelle intoxication chez QuickNew poisoning in Quick

New poisoning in Quick

A 9 years old girl was hospitalized for several hours Saturday 19 March after eating....

14 years ago
Mort après avoir mangé chez Quick ?Death after eating in Quick ?

Death after eating in Quick ?

[Update] It is now official the Quick meal was the cause of the death of the teenager..

14 years ago