
Huîtres, moules, palourdes contaminées par des toxines paralysantesOysters, mussels, clams contaminated by paralyzing toxins

Oysters, mussels, clams contaminated by paralyzing toxins

Le Préfet de l'Hérault a suspendu de manière provisoire la récolte et la commercialisation des huîtres, mussels, palourdes...

7 years ago
Norovirus : Huîtres, moules et coquillages contaminésNorovirus : Oysters, mussels and shellfish contaminated

Norovirus : Oysters, mussels and shellfish contaminated

The company Medithau Via Bam has recalled batches of oysters, of mussels, de coquillages commercialisés chez Auchan suite

8 years ago
Rappel de moules et coquillagesRecall mussels and shellfish

Recall mussels and shellfish

The General Directorate for Food has initiated a recall of batches of mussels and shellfish group 2 high ...

9 years ago