
Plastique : la grande intoxPlastic : the great hoax

Plastic : the great hoax

In the world, ten tons of plastic are produced each second. A tenth ends up in the oceans, laissant présager qu'en

6 years ago
Capital Terre : Quelle eau buvons nous vraiment ?capital Terre : What we really drink water ?

capital Terre : What we really drink water ?

Les trois quarts de la surface de la Terre sont recouverts d'eau mais l'eau potable est toujours aussi mal répartie

6 years ago
Produire Bio : Un Business Comme Les Autres ?produce Bio : A Business Like The Others ?

produce Bio : A Business Like The Others ?

In Europe, organic products generate 21 billion turnover. Un succès qui s'est accompagné d'une forte industrialisation

7 years ago
Élevage intensif : Attention, danger !Intensive livestock : Attention, danger !

Intensive livestock : Attention, danger !

Intensive farming, ungrazed, develops in cattle. Cette méthode est devenue la norme à travers le monde comme...

7 years ago
Germes tueurs : le fléau de l’élevage intensifgerm killers : the scourge of intensive farming

germ killers : the scourge of intensive farming

Arte fait la lumière sur la responsabilité de l'élevage intensif dans la multiplication des infections que l'homme n'arrive plus à

7 years ago
Manger sain, oui mais à quel prix ?Eat healthy, Yes, but at what price ?

Eat healthy, Yes, but at what price ?

In our supermarket shelves, impossible de faire un pas aujourd'hui sans tomber sur des produits garantis « sans

7 years ago
Manger Sain : Info ou Intox ?Eat healthy : Info or Intox ?

Eat healthy : Info or Intox ?

How are the products of the food industry ? What do they actually contain? ? Comment éviter les produits qui

7 years ago
OGM : Mensonges et véritésGMOS : Lies and truths

GMOS : Lies and truths

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Le curcuma pour lutter contre les maladies – Tout Compte FaitTurmeric fight against disease – Altogether

Turmeric fight against disease – Altogether

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Enquête : Les superaliments pour rester jeuneInvestigation : Superfoods to stay young

Investigation : Superfoods to stay young

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Enquête : Aluminium, notre poison quotidienInvestigation : Aluminium, our daily poison

Investigation : Aluminium, our daily poison

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Enquête : Produits laitiers, où va l’argent du beurre ?Investigation : Dairy products, where the money goes butter ?

Investigation : Dairy products, where the money goes butter ?

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Documentaire : Régimes, une vérité qui dérangeDocumentary : regimes, An Inconvenient Truth

Documentary : regimes, An Inconvenient Truth

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago
Reportage : Sucre, le doux mensongeReportage : Sugar, sweet lies

Reportage : Sugar, sweet lies

The film explores the meaning of the "Bio" today, highlighting both the constraints and difficulties, que les

7 years ago