McCain : “La Noisette” aux morceaux de métal ?McCain : “Hazelnut” the metal pieces ?

McCain : “Hazelnut” the metal pieces ?

McCain Company initiated a recall of batches of 1kg of "Hazelnut" Suite to discover…

6 years ago
Rappel : Farine de SarrasinRecall : Buckwheat flour

Recall : Buckwheat flour

DGCCRF been recalled batches of "Organic Complete buckwheat flour 500 g" Suite to discover…

6 years ago
Entérobactérie : lait “Candia Baby Croissance” contaminéenterobacteria : milk “Candia Baby Growth” contaminated

enterobacteria : milk “Candia Baby Growth” contaminated

Candia Company performed the batch recall of "Candia Baby Growth 4 (20-36 month)" Suite to discover…

6 years ago
Rappel de jus de pommes fabrication fermièreReminder apple juice production farm

Reminder apple juice production farm

Product recalled by : DGCCRF Brand : Michel Breton Product : Pur jus de pommes fabrication fermière Modèle : 1L glass bottle…

7 years ago
Un vaste réseau de trafic de viande de cheval démanteléA large horse meat trafficking network dismantled

A large horse meat trafficking network dismantled

A vast traffic in horse meat in Europe was dismantled as part of an investigation carried out in ...

8 years ago
De la matière fécale dans les tartes IKEA ?The fecal matter in the IKEA pies ?

The fecal matter in the IKEA pies ?

The Ikea Group announced Tuesday that it was withdrawing its cafeterias in 23 countries of the pies....

12 years ago
Risque de botulisme par des préparations provençalesRisk of botulism by Provencal preparations

Risk of botulism by Provencal preparations

Risk of botulism in consuming Provencal preparations of the mark ...

12 years ago
Rappel de Profiteroles chez AuchanRecall of Profiteroles at Auchan

Recall of Profiteroles at Auchan

The Auchan brand is recalling of "Profiteroles with chocolate" marketed....

13 years ago
Rappel de tablettes de chocolat IvoriaRecall of chocolate Quillhog

Recall of chocolate Quillhog

La société Natrazahor France procède au rappel de ses « Tablettes de Chocolat au Lait Amandes Caramélisées »...

13 years ago
Rappel d’une tapenade artisanaleCallback for a homemade tapenade

Callback for a homemade tapenade

[Update] Les rappels concernant les produits de la société « La Ruche » prennent de l’ampleur et concernent

14 years ago
Neuf fast-foods fermés après des contrôles sanitairesNine fast-food restaurants closed after health checks

Nine fast-food restaurants closed after health checks

1725 controls have been carried out by the DGCCRF [...] giving rise to 9 closures of establishments, 140 warnings ...

14 years ago
Du thé vert japonais radioactif en FranceRadioactive Japanese green tea in France

Radioactive Japanese green tea in France

The DGCCRF [...] a intercepté un lot de thé vert contenant deux fois plus de césium que le niveau maximal

14 years ago
E.Coli : des graines germées sont à l’origine de l’épidémieE. coli : germinated seeds are the source of the epidemic

E. coli : germinated seeds are the source of the epidemic

It is now official, These are neither cucumbers, ni les tomates et ni les salades qui sont les vecteurs

14 years ago
Concombres : la France n’est-elle plus épargnée ?Cucumbers : the France is more spared ?

Cucumbers : the France is more spared ?

...the repression of fraud (DGCCRF) has ordered the withdrawal of the batch of 600kg of cucumbers arrived in France....

14 years ago