foreign body

Sandwich club Casino : Présence de corps étranger ?Casino Club Sandwich : Presence of foreign bodies ?

Casino Club Sandwich : Presence of foreign bodies ?

The casino company has initiated a recall of batches of "Club Sandwich Tuna Salad" suite à la découverte de la

6 years ago
Lustucru : Présence de filaments en inox dans certains produitsLustucru : Stainless steel filaments presence in products

Lustucru : Stainless steel filaments presence in products

The company Lustucru Frais has recalled batches of "Lunch box Tortellini 4 cheese", "Tortellini bœuf aux petits

7 years ago
Rappel : Soupe de poisson Penmarc’hRecall : Fish soup Penmarc'h

Recall : Fish soup Penmarc'h

Product recalled by : Company Penmarc’h Brand : Pointe de Penmarc’h Product : Soupe de poisson Modèle : glass bottle of 500 ml…

7 years ago
Lasagnes Auchan Le Traiteur : Possible présence d’un corps étrangerLasagne Traiteur Auchan : Possible presence of a foreign body

Lasagne Traiteur Auchan : Possible presence of a foreign body

The TerBeke Company performed the recall lasagne trays "Bolognese" following the discovery of the presence ...

8 years ago
Rappel de Cerneaux de Noix, présence de “corps étrangers”Nuts Kernels Recall, presence of “foreign bodies”

Nuts Kernels Recall, presence of “foreign bodies”

La société Maître Prunille a procédé au rappel de lots de cerneaux de noix Bio de la marque Carrefour Bio

8 years ago
Fromage Râpé : “Présence de corps étranger”Grated cheese : “Presence of foreign bodies”

Grated cheese : “Presence of foreign bodies”

The company Le Centurion has recalled batches of "Grated Cheese Kitchen Special" commercialisés chez l'enseigne Auchan suite

8 years ago
Raviolis aux morceaux de plastiqueRavioli with pieces of plastic

Ravioli with pieces of plastic

La société Lustucru Frais a procédé au rappel de lots de Raviolis 4 Fromages suite à la possible présence de

9 years ago
Rappel de Beurre MouléMolded Butter Recall

Molded Butter Recall

The Agral Company performed the batch recall of "Molded Soft Butter" and "Beurre Moulé Demi-Sel" follow-up to the…

9 years ago
Fil de fer dans des MerguezWire in the Merguez

Wire in the Merguez

Elivia society has initiated a recall of lots of "Real Merguez" suite à la découverte de la présence potentielle

9 years ago
Rappel de Merguez chez AuchanRecall of Merguez at Auchan

Recall of Merguez at Auchan

L'enseigne Auchan a procédé au rappel de lots de merguez suite à la découverte de corps étrangers (type fil de

9 years ago
Rappel : Haricots VertsRecall : Green beans

Recall : Green beans

The Bergerac company proceeded to very fine lots of cut green beans recall following the discovery....

10 years ago
Boudin aux morceaux de métalPudding at pieces of metal

Pudding at pieces of metal

The lordship company proceeded to the recall of a batch of pudding Galabart following the discovery of a body....

10 years ago
Rappel de Lunch BoxLunch Box recall

Lunch Box recall

The company Sanketh charges proceed to the recall of batches of Lunch Box due to the possible presence of body....

10 years ago
Rappel : Pommes RissoléesRecall : Apples fried

Recall : Apples fried

Auchan is recalling of lots of hash brown potatoes following the possible presence of foreign bodies ...

10 years ago