
Auchan : Choucroute au CaoutchoucAuchan : Sauerkraut Rubber

Auchan : Sauerkraut Rubber

The company Charcuterie Bruche Valley initiated a recall of batches of trays "Auchan Choucroute 1

6 years ago
Saucisson apéro à la ListeriaSausage appetizer Listeria

Sausage appetizer Listeria

The company Maison Filières has recalled batches of "Aperitif sausage" de la marque Charcuterie des Papes suite

6 years ago
Intermarché : Bacon fumé à la coupe à la ListeriaIntermarché : Smoked bacon on cutting Listeria

Intermarché : Smoked bacon on cutting Listeria

Product recalled by : Intermarché Product : Smoked bacon fillet Marketing : between the 22 and the 27 February 2018 to the…

7 years ago
Rappel : Terrine de lapinRecall : Rabbit terrine

Recall : Rabbit terrine

Product recalled by : Ocean Countertops Product Name : Ocean Countertops Product Name : Terrine de lapin supérieure Modèles : You can 200 g et 500

7 years ago
Jambon Bourguignon à la ListeriaBourguignon Ham Listeria

Bourguignon Ham Listeria

The company La Bresse SAS initiated a recall of batches "Bourguignon Ham Persillé" vendu au rayon charcuterie...

8 years ago
Rappel : Saucisson Cuit à l’Ail FuméRecall : Cooked sausage Smoked Garlic

Recall : Cooked sausage Smoked Garlic

L'enseigne Carrefour a procédé au rappel de Saucisson Cuit à l'Ail Fumé en omettant d'en préciser le motif...

9 years ago
Fromage de Tête à la ListeriaHead Cheese Listeria

Head Cheese Listeria

The company Ets G. Bories been recalled batches of "Head cheese" suite à la découverte de

9 years ago
Rappel de Charcuterie BordelaiseRecall Charcuterie Bordelaise

Recall Charcuterie Bordelaise

The "Buy gold" has initiated a recall of "Bordeaux grattons", "Grattons with Duck Liver" and "Pâté...

9 years ago
Jambon Serrano à la ListériaListeria Serrano ham

Listeria Serrano ham

L'enseigne Auchan a procédé au rappel de lots de jambon Serrano Grande Réserve suite à la découverte de la présence

10 years ago
Rappel de ChoucrouteRecall of sauerkraut

Recall of sauerkraut

Rieffel society has initiated a recall of lot of traditional cooked sauerkraut following the discovery....

10 years ago
Rappel : Jambon BioRecall : Bio ham

Recall : Bio ham

The Fumagalli Industria Alimentari company proceed to the recall of a batch of ham Bio ...

10 years ago
Rappel de “Plateau Raclette”Reminder of “Plateau Raclette”

Reminder of “Plateau Raclette”

The Gourmets of Artois company proceed to the recall of batches of "Plateau Raclette Cheese deli" following the....

10 years ago
Assortiment de charcuterie à la ListeriaAssortment of cold meats with Listeria

Assortment of cold meats with Listeria

The Isla Delice group is recalling of assortment of deli trays for ...

12 years ago
Rappel de charcuterie CorseRecall of charcuterie Corse

Recall of charcuterie Corse

Deli Altu Pietralbincu is recalling of charcuterie Corse....

12 years ago