DGCCRF been recalled batches of "Barley Risotto champignons" de la marque Monoprix suite à la découverte…
Roland Monterrat Company performed the batch recall of "Cocktail pâté en croute chicken morels black mushrooms" suite…
The Carrefour proceeded to return "Paris mushrooms sliced" following the discovery of the presence of ...
La société Camargue Production a procédé au rappel de lots de Champignons noirs déshydratés suite à la découverte de la…
The company MCD Chamsyl been recalled batches of "Dried porcini France" suite à la mise en…
Banken The company initiated a recall of batches "Champignons Enoki" and "Mushrooms Wok Special Blend" suite…
The Agis company has recalled batches of prepared meals "Poulet à la Crème et son Riz Cuisiné…
Sign Auchan has initiated a recall of sachets of "Mixed forest" from 450 g car certains produits peuvent présenter ...
Bags of 50 g of dried black mushrooms were the subject of a recall at Carrefour following ...
La société Alberto de Miguel a procédé au rappel de lots de bocaux de mélanges de champignons sylvestres et de…
Company SMS has initiated a recall of mushrooms sauce "Fresco Sugo ai Funghi" marketed at Auchan....
Pancakes with mushrooms may contain foreign bodies (Blue hard plastic fragments)...
The mushrooms recalled following a possible presence of nicotine....
The LIDL company proceeded the recall of canned mushrooms marketed....