
Recall : Buckwheat bread Craquantes

The company Nutrition & Santé has initiated a recall of batches of "Buckwheat bread Craquantes" commercialisées chez l'enseigne Auchan suite...

8 years ago

tepees : metal particles

The company Tipiak Epicerie again initiated a recall of batches "Cereals Sun" and "Pulses Gourmands"...

8 years ago

metal particles in Tipiak cereals

La société Tipiak Epicerie a procédé au rappel de lots de céréales suite à la découverte de particules ...

8 years ago

Recall Muesli

The company S.A.S Moulin Meckert Diemer has recalled batches of "Muesli" alors que l'on ignore pour l'instant

8 years ago

Recall of frozen spinach

Begro society has initiated a recall of bags of spinach to frozen branch sold at Carrefour suite ...

9 years ago

Recall of Weetabix

La société Pietercil Interco SAS a procédé au rappel de lots de Weetabix Original à la suite d'un packaging espagnol

10 years ago

Recall : Muesli Crousty Premium

Crunchy red fruit and almond muesli could contain fragments ...

12 years ago


Mycotoxins can be toxic to humans and animals with varying degrees according to mycotoxins and the species....

16 years ago