Pour quelles raisons continue-t-on de nous distribuer des aliments toxiques alors que des gens souffrent et meurent de cancers ?
Europe produces more than 45 millions de tonnes de viande par an et la consommation mondiale a été multipliée par…
Germany pulls the alarm : a food agent in the composition of the famous bars ...
Like any scientific progress, It is interesting to ask the question of their dangerousness for human beings....
Tuesday 27 September, ANSES has published two reports on the need to limit....
A parliamentary report suggests to label products containing endocrine disrupters in order to protect....
[Update]...a man who drinks six cafes [...] also a decrease of 60% the risk of developing....
Coffee capsule contains much more of furan (a potentially carcinogenic substance) as the coffee in....
Updated article : 07/11/2017 - "Opens a Coca-cola, Open happiness" : Carcinogenic dye, acide phosphorique affectant les…
"It is amazing that EFSA continues to push for the third time a positive carcinogenicity study..."
Tap water is 1000 times more environmentally friendly than mineral water. Furthermore, boire de l'eau en bouteille coûte entre…
Journalist and filmmaker, Marie-Monique Robin did again a very large survey....
This report analyzes four foods most consumed by the French : Apples, bread, le porc et…
Not satisfied to be a very bold and very sweet food, le Nutella contient également le phtalate le plus dangereux qui…