
Recall : Sausage Maker Black Mountain

The company Black Mountain Durfort Company initiated a recall of batches of "Saucisse sèche courbe au fromage de brebis

6 years ago

Tommette sheep salmonella

La fromagerie du Val d'Ormèze a procédé au rappel de lots de tommette de brebis suite à la découverte de

7 years ago

Listeria : cheese contaminated sheep and goats

Product recalled by : La Bergerie du Hountacam Brand : La Bergerie du Hountacam Products : tous les fromages (pur brebis, pur

7 years ago

Farmer Cheese Recall

The Miguelgorry Company performed the batch recall of "Farmer cheese from the Pyrenees to the Raw Milk" follow-up to the…

8 years ago

Recall of cheeses with salmonella

The Casterieu farm is recalling of different cheese of cow and sheep following the discovery....

11 years ago

Recall of sheep cheese

The company «Fromagerie de Sources» proceed to recall of cheeses of sheep of the....

13 years ago