The Scamark company proceeded to the recall of batches of "Breaded fish cakes" marketed in....
Wire in the Merguez
Elivia society has initiated a recall of lots of "Real Merguez" following the discovery of the ...
Presence of Histamine in tuna
The company "Group Barba" has initiated a recall of "Preparing flavored thawed Tuna Loin" suite...
Recall of bottles of wine
Several companies are reminders of mellow wine bottles, rose, etc. following the....
Recall of Merguez at Auchan
The Auchan brand has recalled batches of merguez following the discovery of foreign bodies..
Recall of cheese Picodon
The LOA company proceeded to the recall of batches of goat's cheese Picodon following the possible....
Recall : Languages of jellied pork
Salted Celtic society proceeded to the recall of a batch of languages of jellied pork from the....
Reminder of Spain rose
The Cambras company has recalled a batch of Spanish Rosé from the Cambras brand following the ...
Reminder of Rose PGI
The Jacques Vignon company has recalled bottles of Rosé IGP of the VAR brand following a...
Recall of gnocchi
Grandi Pastai has recalled a batch of Gnocchis marketed at Carrefour..
Recall : Bio wheat bran
La société Biothentic a procédé au rappel de Son de Blé vendu au rayon BIO suite à la découverte...
Mussels in paralytic
La Direction Générale de l'Alimentation a procédé au rappel de moules de l'étang de Thau suite à la...
Recall : ORGANIC pumpkins
La SARL Alain Masse a procédé au rappel de Potimarrons Bio commercialisés chez Carrefour suite à la...
Recall of dried black mushrooms
Bags of 50 g de champignons noirs séchés ont fait l'objet d'un rappel chez Carrefour suite à...