Vitamines – Fantasmes et véritésvitamins – Fantasies and truths

vitamins – Fantasies and truths

Knowing that vitamins are essential to us, because we produce not naturally, how it should absorb ...

6 years ago
Le lait : mensonges et vérités + Vivre vegan – le nouvel éden ?Milk : lies and truths + vegan live – the new Eden ?

Milk : lies and truths + vegan live – the new Eden ?

Milk : lies and truths Tuesday 3 January 2018, 20H50 (60 minutes) - Arte Le lait est-il vraiment aussi sain

7 years ago
Colorants, édulcorants, conservateurs, que cachent-ils ?Dyes, sweeteners, Conservatives, that they hiding?

Dyes, sweeteners, Conservatives, that they hiding?

additives, whose 300 are commonly present in our diet, have appeared in years 60 avec le

8 years ago
FOCUS – Eaux minérales, eaux en bouteille : savez-vous ce que vous buvez ?FOCUS - Mineral water, bottled water : do you know what you drink ?

FOCUS - Mineral water, bottled water : do you know what you drink ?

In ten years, la consommation d'eau en bouteille a fortement augmenté en France. Un incroyable engouement qui fait la fortune

8 years ago