
companies : What are the benefits of water fountains relative to bottles ?

The operating principle of a bottle water cooler is based on the continuous pressure ...

6 years ago

Map of the water quality

Is the tap water of good quality ? Vérifiez la qualité de l'eau potable distribuée dans votre commune et dans

8 years ago

Coca-Cola, a dangerous and carcinogenic drink

Updated article : 07/11/2017 - "Opens a Coca-cola, Open happiness" : Carcinogenic dye, acide phosphorique affectant les

14 years ago

What fruit juice to choose ?

How to choose the 'fruit juice' among the proposed multitude ? What are the differences between....

14 years ago

Is bottled water dangerous ?

Tap water is 1000 times more environmentally friendly than mineral water. Furthermore, boire de l'eau en bouteille coûte entre

14 years ago

Filter jugs : a health hazard ?

"analysis of water filtered by these decanters [...] gives worse results than water from the tap before filtration" ... "There,…

14 years ago

Our water is polluted and toxic

How is it that the quality of water in nature (but also that we consume) se soit autant

14 years ago

Four Loko : the energy drink alcoholic

Four Loko, the trademark Phusion Projects, is an energy drink marketed in the ...

14 years ago

Milk contaminated with melamine

Formula which contained a highly toxic chemical was found : melamine. Le taux était 500

14 years ago

Energy drinks : from myth to reality

Depuis leur mise sur le marché des études ont été faites sur l'impact qu'elles ont sur la santé d'une manière

14 years ago