
The danger of cholesterol : myth or reality ?

The danger of cholesterol : myth or reality ? Tuesday 6 October 2015, 20H40 (120 minutes) Myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accidents,…

9 years ago

Dangers Alimentaires is available in English !

After several weeks of efforts, nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer qu'une version anglaise de Dangers Alimentaires a été mise

10 years ago

Pasta, pasta, Yes, but at what price ?

The pasta is a commodity as well as a dish in gastronomy. Prized for tight budgets, des consommateurs pressés

10 years ago

Meat in all its stalls

The crisis of mad cow disease in the case of horse meat sold as beef, un périple

10 years ago

Meat in all its stalls

2 documentaires suivi d'un entretien seront diffusés sur la chaîne de télévision Arte, Tuesday 31 mars Dangers Alimentaires vous proposera

10 years ago

Are nanomaterials dangerous ?

Like any scientific progress, It is interesting to ask the question of their dangerousness for human beings....

12 years ago

1 year already ! is pleased to celebrate its 1 an ! A big thank you to you all....

13 years ago

Bisphenol A : towards a ban ?

Tuesday 27 September, ANSES has published two reports on the need to limit....

13 years ago

Eat too much red meat increases the risk of diabetes type 2

[...] consume daily 100 grams of red meat (unprocessed) per day would increase 19% risk [...]

14 years ago

Choosing and analyzing food

Method to analyze a food you have purchased through some tips....

14 years ago