Fatty and sugary foods

Ferrero : les Kinder sont-ils cancérigènes ?Ferrero : Are the Kinder carcinogenic ?

Ferrero : Are the Kinder carcinogenic ?

Germany pulls the alarm : a food agent in the composition of the famous bars ...

9 years ago
Bien choisir et analyser les alimentsChoosing and analyzing food

Choosing and analyzing food

Method to analyze a food you have purchased through some tips....

14 years ago
Neuf fast-foods fermés après des contrôles sanitairesNine fast-food restaurants closed after health checks

Nine fast-food restaurants closed after health checks

1725 controls have been carried out by the DGCCRF [...] giving rise to 9 closures of establishments, 140 warnings ...

14 years ago
Du Nutella aux OGM ?GMOs in Nutella ?

GMOs in Nutella ?

According to the European regulation foods that contain more than 0.9% of GMOs must....

14 years ago
Le Nutella contient le phtalate le plus dangereux : DEHPNutella contains the most dangerous phthalate : DEHP

Nutella contains the most dangerous phthalate : DEHP

Not satisfied to be a very bold and very sweet food, le Nutella contient également le phtalate le plus dangereux qui

14 years ago
Fast-foodFast food

Fast food

Fast food and junk food are much synonymous, While eating you are actually ? Entering the heart of the matter....

14 years ago
Chewing-gum = danger ?Chewing gum = danger ?

Chewing gum = danger ?

Chewing gum is also good for your health than we think ? What is its composition ?…

14 years ago
L’Huile de PalmePalm oil

Palm oil

The palm oil a threat to health and especially for our planetary ecosystem ! It is used in the food industry…

14 years ago
NUTELLA : Sa composition est un danger pour la santéNUTELLA : Its composition is a health hazard

NUTELLA : Its composition is a health hazard

La pâte à tartiner Nutella fut cet été montrée du doigt par l’Union européenne en raison de sa composition déséquilibrée

14 years ago