
Présence éventuelle de Salmonelles dans des Steaks Hachés BioPossible presence of salmonella in some Steaks axes Bio

Possible presence of salmonella in some Steaks axes Bio

Elivia company is recalling of Bio's trademark chopped steaks "Bio meat" at Auchan....

10 years ago
Rappel de “Plateau Raclette”Reminder of “Plateau Raclette”

Reminder of “Plateau Raclette”

The Gourmets of Artois company proceed to the recall of batches of "Plateau Raclette Cheese deli" following the....

10 years ago
Rappel de plats préparés chez CarrefourRecall of dishes prepared at Carrefour

Recall of dishes prepared at Carrefour

The Delpeyrat catering company is recalling of dishes prepared with salmon and tagliatelli...

10 years ago