
Haricots verts aux fragments de verreGreen beans with fragments of glass

Green beans with fragments of glass

Carrefour is recalling of extra fine green beans due to the presence of....

12 years ago
Pâté de campagne aux morceaux de verreCampaign to the pieces of glass paste

Campaign to the pieces of glass paste

The Stephan company proceeded the recall of certain lots of country pâté...

12 years ago
Jus de pomme et d’orange bio aux fragments de verreBio orange in the glass fragments and Apple juice

Bio orange in the glass fragments and Apple juice

Juice of Apple and orange juice may contain glass fragments....

12 years ago
Rappel de brioche tranchée et de pains au laitReminder of sliced brioche and bread pudding

Reminder of sliced brioche and bread pudding

Casino is sliced brioche and bread pudding following the possible presence....

12 years ago
De la matière fécale dans les tartes IKEA ?The fecal matter in the IKEA pies ?

The fecal matter in the IKEA pies ?

The Ikea Group announced Tuesday that it was withdrawing its cafeterias in 23 countries of the pies....

12 years ago
Selles sur Cher AOP fermiers à l’E.ColiSaddles on dear farmers PDO in E.Coli

Saddles on dear farmers PDO in E.Coli

Selles sur Cher PDO cheeses were recalled because are contaminated with bacteria....

12 years ago
Flacons Ducros aux morceaux de verrePieces of glass vials Ducros

Pieces of glass vials Ducros

Some vials of the Ducros brand, "Parsley" and "Persillade", may contain a fragment of glass....

12 years ago