
Rappel de pointes d’asperges vertesRecall of green asparagus

Recall of green asparagus

The IDS company proceed to the recall of green asparagus of the mark CZON....

12 years ago
Intoxication alimentaire en lien avec la consommation de moulesFood poisoning linked with the consumption of mussels

Food poisoning linked with the consumption of mussels

Several cases of food poisoning of type gastroenteritis, in connection with the consumer....

12 years ago
Rappel de plats préparés par BlédinaReminder of dishes prepared by Bledina

Reminder of dishes prepared by Bledina

Blédina is recalling of mashed spinach and salmon of the mark Bledichef....

12 years ago
Rappel de confit de foie de volaille au PortoRecall of poultry in the Porto liver confit

Recall of poultry in the Porto liver confit

Confit of poultry in the Porto liver is remember by E.Leclec as may contain....

12 years ago