Year 2013

Wings de poulet à la ListériaListeria chicken wings

Listeria chicken wings

A microbiological control has highlighted the presence of Listeria monocytogenes ...

12 years ago
Assortiment de charcuterie à la ListeriaAssortment of cold meats with Listeria

Assortment of cold meats with Listeria

The Isla Delice group is recalling of assortment of deli trays for ...

12 years ago
Rappel de Gaufrettes au FromageRecall of cheese wafers

Recall of cheese wafers

The company of Kroes proceed the recall of wafers cheese following the discovery of the presence ...

12 years ago
Filet de Morue aux SulfitesFillet of cod with sulphites

Fillet of cod with sulphites

A higher than normal rate of sulphites has been detected in fishnets....

12 years ago
Casino rappelle des plats préparésCasino reminds of meals

Casino reminds of meals

The Casino group conducts the recall of certain lots of dishes prepared with tomato tuna and....

12 years ago
Rappel de Pesto TradizionaleRecall of Pesto Tradizionale

Recall of Pesto Tradizionale

All jars of Pesto Tradizionale TerraSana brand are being recalled....

12 years ago
Rappel de salades chez AuchanRecall of salads at Auchan

Recall of salads at Auchan

Some salads of the mark "Auchan Mmm !" were recalled because the DLC....

12 years ago
Rappel de Raisins SecsRecall of Raisins

Recall of Raisins

The master Jayesh company is recalling of dried grapes of the Auchan brand....

12 years ago
Rappel de charcuterie CorseRecall of charcuterie Corse

Recall of charcuterie Corse

Deli Altu Pietralbincu is recalling of charcuterie Corse....

12 years ago
Rappel de fromages à la listériaRecall of cheeses in listeria

Recall of cheeses in listeria

The Brie cheese company is recalling of Coulomiers, Vignelait, Square, Brie...

12 years ago