Year 2012

Le cap des 1000 “J’aime” franchi grâce à vous !The cap of 1000 “I love” crossed thanks to you !

The cap of 1000 “I love” crossed thanks to you !

A big thank you to all those who love the hazards food Facebook page !

12 years ago
De la piperade basquaise aux morceaux de verreOf the piperade basquaise with pieces of glass

Of the piperade basquaise with pieces of glass

Ensign E.Leclerc is recalling "Piperade basquaise" trademark "our Regions have talent"...

12 years ago
Rappel de bouteilles de vinRecall of bottles of wine

Recall of bottles of wine

The Paul Valmeras company is the recall of bottles of wine "Countries of Oc Chardonnay"...

12 years ago
Dia : Truite fumée contaminée à la ListériaDIA : Smoked trout Listeria-contaminated

DIA : Smoked trout Listeria-contaminated

Ensign DIA conducts the recall of a batch of smoked trout following the discovery of the presence of a bacterium....

12 years ago
Personnes allergiques : rappel de potatoes au glutenAllergic persons : potatoes gluten recall

Allergic persons : potatoes gluten recall

The E.Leclerc brand is recalling potatoes from the “Pom'lisse” brand (brand mark) due ...

12 years ago
Rappel de Steaks Hachés SurgelésRecall of chopped frozen Steaks

Recall of chopped frozen Steaks

ELIVIA Eloyes society conducted the recall of certain lots of chopped steaks frozen due to the discovery....

12 years ago
Paca : 18 personnes intoxiquées par de la farine bioPACA : 18 intoxicated persons by organic flour

PACA : 18 intoxicated persons by organic flour

Eighteen people from the region Provence-Alpes-Azur were victims of food poisoning by organic buckwheat flour....

12 years ago
Rappel d’Andouille Asselot de VireAndouille of Vire Asselot reminder

Andouille of Vire Asselot reminder

The Andouille ASSELOT company proceed to the recall of batches of Andouille de Vire following highlighting....

12 years ago
Rappel de pain de mieReminder of bread

Reminder of bread

The Valpiform company is the recall of batches of bread because of the possible presence of traces....

12 years ago
Rappel de Profiteroles chez AuchanRecall of Profiteroles at Auchan

Recall of Profiteroles at Auchan

The Auchan brand is recalling of "Profiteroles with chocolate" marketed....

13 years ago