A big thank you to all those who love the hazards food Facebook page !
Year 2012
Of the piperade basquaise with pieces of glass
The E.Leclerc brand is recalling “Piperade basquaise” from the “Nos Régions ont du...
Recall of bottles of wine
The Paul Valmeras company is the recall of bottles of wine "Countries of Oc Chardonnay"...
DIA : Smoked trout Listeria-contaminated
The DIA brand is recalling a batch of smoked trout following the discovery of the presence...
Allergic persons : potatoes gluten recall
The E.Leclerc brand is recalling potatoes from the “Pom'lisse” brand (brand mark) in...
Recall of chopped frozen Steaks
ELIVIA Eloyes has recalled certain batches of frozen hamburger steaks due to ...
PACA : 18 intoxicated persons by organic flour
Eighteen people from the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region were victims of poisoning..
Andouille of Vire Asselot reminder
The company Andouille ASSELOT is recalling batches of Andouille de Vire following the placing of ...
Reminder of bread
The company Valpiform is recalling batches of sandwich bread due to the possible presence of...
Recall of Profiteroles at Auchan
The Auchan brand is recalling of "Profiteroles with chocolate" marketed....
Recall of bags of vegetables
The Krill Essentiel brand is recalling sachets of “fried country vegetables” from....
The pieces of metal horse sausage
Horse sausage from the SNVC and NEW VEPELI brands, the subject of a recall following the...
Munster Géromé PDO to Listeria
Raw milk cheese Munster Géromé PDO marketed under the brands 'Reflets de France'....
Roquefort PDO to the East. Coli
The company “Gabriel Coulet SA” is recalling “Roquefort AOP” cheeses following the...