
Couenne de porc séchée à la listériaListeria-dried pork rinds

Listeria-dried pork rinds

The Sun-Sate company proceeded to the recall of its «Rind pork dried filament» product marketed....

13 years ago
Bisphénol A : Dangers pour les filles in uteroBisphenol A : Dangers for girls in utero

Bisphenol A : Dangers for girls in utero

A new study shows the hazards of Bisphenol A (BPA) for health but this time....

13 years ago
Rappel de munster à la ListériaMunster to the Listeria recall

Munster to the Listeria recall

Society «The dairies of Blamont» Munster Géromé reminded the raw milk from 200 grams....

13 years ago
1 an déjà !1 year already !

1 year already !

DangersAlimentaires.com is pleased to celebrate its 1 an ! A big thank you to you all....

13 years ago
Rillettes de canard aux morceaux de verreRillettes of duck with pieces of glass

Rillettes of duck with pieces of glass

At this time, We definitely find broken glass everywhere ! After carbonated mineral water....

13 years ago
Rappel d’une eau minérale gazeuseReminder of a sparkling mineral water

Reminder of a sparkling mineral water

The Parot company reminds its soft of mineral water bottles 125 marketed CL ...

13 years ago
Bisphénol A : vers une interdiction ?Bisphenol A : towards a ban ?

Bisphenol A : towards a ban ?

Tuesday 27 September, ANSES has published two reports on the need to limit....

13 years ago