
Jambonneaux cuits à la listeriaHam cooked to listeria

Ham cooked to listeria

Follow-up to a self test, the pork Du Haut Bois company proceed to the recall of batches of cooked ham....

13 years ago
Aspartame : danger pour les femmes enceintesAspartame : danger for pregnant women

Aspartame : danger for pregnant women

On the occasion of the world day for prematurity Thursday 17 November, a letter was sent by the RES....

13 years ago
Rappel de Gnocchis à poêler de PanzaniRecall of gnocchi with Sauté of Panzani

Recall of gnocchi with Sauté of Panzani

The Panzani brand is the recall of a batch of "Fried gnocchi" bearing the reference....

13 years ago