
Nouvelle intoxication chez QuickNew poisoning in Quick

New poisoning in Quick

A 9 years old girl was hospitalized for several hours Saturday 19 March after eating....

14 years ago
Polluants chimiques : les résultats de l’InVSChemical pollutants : the results of the InVS

Chemical pollutants : the results of the InVS

The InVS (Institute of sleep health) has published the results of a study on the concentrations of pollutants....

14 years ago
Rappel de sardines SaupiquetRecall of sardines hot sauce

Recall of sardines hot sauce

...because they present the risk of contain histamine which can cause food poisoning..

14 years ago
Décédée après avoir mangé dans un kebab ?Died after eating in a kebab ?

Died after eating in a kebab ?

The kebab was closed following checks by the DGCCRF which revealed "inadequate hygiene standards....

14 years ago